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All training programs start here. Talk with a trainer to discuss  behavioral issues or dog training goals. From there we can find a program to help you and your dog get on the right path.



Private lessons are a great option for both dogs and their owners. Conducted in the convenience of your own home, or at a location of your choosing.

-We offer Puppy 101 for first time dog owners. Need help with potty training, crate training, chewing and introducing basic obedience such as how to walk on a leash? We are here to help. 

You can choose between a single lesson or a Puppy 101 package of 4 lessons. 

-Private lessons let you work at your own pace. Schedule lessons as you need them. We can help you work on things such as destructive behavior around the house, crate training, pulling on the leash, jumping up on guest and getting your dog to respond to obedience commands the first time you ask.

Happy Czech mountain dog on pet leash during walk with his owner in city. .jpg
Dog Training

& Train

Let us do all the hard work for you!

Our boarding programs are our most popular option. It is perfect for owners who do not have the time to work with their dog everyday but would love for them to be well behaved. Or, as an alternative to boarding when going on holiday. Our programs are not about being a "boot camp" for your dog. We try to make your dogs stay more like adventure camp. Where learning and play are combined in a home environment.   


-We offer 1, 2, 3 and 4 week programs with private lessons included to show you how to maintain your dogs new training. Training ranges from basic obedience to off-leash reliability.

-Refresher boarding is offered to graduates of our Stay & Train programs. Have your dog come stay with us while you are out of town and we'll brush up their training for you.

Behavior Modification

Behavior modification is for dogs that are showing undesirable behavior towards people or other animals due to being fear reactive or aggressive. Please contact us so we can help you determine what type of training would be best to help you accomplish your training goals.

Training : Services
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